By Jennifer Nightingale

In her charming debut novel Alberta & The Spark, Jennifer Nightingale presents an unforgettable character, 13-year old Alberta Evans, whose love of nature is as boundless as her belief in the goodness of all people.
Set in a Pacific Northwest oyster town in the 1970s, Alberta struggles with adolescence and finds courage through her unique friendship with 15-year-old Felix, a kindred spirit who approaches the natural world as a scientist, while she reveres it with magical wonder.
Together, they confront bullies, racism and disorienting family changes. They persevere and help bring their fractured coastal community together.
Order your print or E-book copy direct from Nestucca Spit Press and help support sustainable Pacific Northwest publishing. The book will also be available in independent bookstores across the region in the summer of 2019.
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The special edition (100 copies) features a signed copy, bonus poems, a vintage postcard bookmark and a magical keyhole limpet. $30 plus $5 shipping.
Regular edition. $20 plus $5 shipping.