Sweet Socialism Birthday

I toured around Silver Falls State Park on a cold and sunny morning that happened to coincide with my 58th birthday. In fact, I had decided to visit the park for the first time in 30 years to celebrate my birthday. It occurred to me admiring the falls, the creek, the forests, the birds, that I wasn’t really their to admire anything connected with nature. I was there to admire the sweet success of Oregon socialism during the New Deal.

The CCC and WPA built this magnificent state park and recreation area during the throes of the Great Depression. Hundreds of men lived on site and worked for $1 a day for seven years because there was no other employment until WW II arrived.

Every man who worked here is dead now but the stone walls, stone buildings, bridges and trails live on, and will live on until it all goes back to seed when human have vanished from the earth.

Just think that they built this place largely by hand in ways not far removed from building the Great Pyramid. Just think how this monumental labor built something tangible, beautiful and useful that anyone can enjoy today. How many of us can say that about our life’s work. I can’t about my teaching career. I can about my career in watershed restoration and publishing.

Thank you New Deal, FDR and the boys (and probably a few women in disguise) of the CCC and WPA for building this for me to enjoy. I’ll never stop spreading the sweet stories of Oregon socialism in my writing. They are all around me.