An Ending

I had thought to write some long and probing piece about a big ending in my life, one that is occurring as I write this from my domicile as the sun comes up in late March. I have been thinking about this piece for some time and even made a few notes.

But as I sat down to begin writing, I found I didn’t want to write it. I had already written it in my mind and in my journal and that would be enough for now. I am on a new path as a person and a writer and I don’t want to recapitulate. It is time to move into a new realm and perhaps if I am lucky, into some new people and ideas and stories.

Perhaps the day will come when I will revisit the last five years of my life living on and off on the Secret Coast of Oregon. Maybe there is a book in the experience.

I will close this short reflection on an ending of my life by mentioning three important things I learned during this particular era: 1) construction work; 2) RV life; 3) friendship.