Golf Prep

Preparations for the upcoming round of golf at the family reunion continues. I’ve been varying my routine:

A bucket of balls at the driving range

Irons at the park

Chipping at putting at the practice green

Chipping plastic balls in the back yard

I planned on playing a practice round at the nearby socialist course, but it costs $27 for nine holes, $43 for 18! And the weekend rates are higher! I won’t pay it.

I’m hitting the ball reasonably straight, but just not with any distance. The putting and chipping are very good. I like thinking through how to hit a good shot or make a putt. It completely empties my mind of everything else. Golf can do that for a mind in a way tennis cannot. But $27 for nine holes! I bet the round at the family reunion on a corporate course will cost $200.

When I consider golf, all the current evil connected to it these days, the Saudis and Trump, it makes me loathe the sport. It wasn’t like that when Dad and I played about a thousand rounds together in my youth.

I look forward to playing with my cousins. They have to ride in carts because of various ailments and I always said when I couldn’t walk or carry my bag on a course, I wasn’t playing golf. I told this somewhat jokingly to one of the cousins and said we’ll compromise: you ride halfway to the ball, choose the club you think you’ll use, then take it from there. I thought that quite reasonble.

If I can just keep it down the middle of the fairway with the driver, I’ll be fine.

My goal: one regulation par.