Some Musings

I dug out a Sam and Dave CD and played it in the car. That soul sound from the mid 60s to mid 70s still has cultural relevance in its themes and grooves. It does not sound at all dated. Rock from that era does for sure. Well, all rock does to me now.

I’ve started walking to my nearby socialist golf course to practice for my upcoming return to golf after a 25-year absence. A family reunion event at Sunriver is coming up soon and my cousins insisted I play a round of golf with them. I really couldn’t say no, and relish the idea of playing the course in corduroys! My cousins will both love and loathe that!

I had so many interesting times playing golf with my father in my youth. I accompanied him when hit had his only hole-in-one. We never talked about golf during our rounds of the various courses around Clackamas County. We talked about politics, history, religion, literature and current affairs.

Several days ago I saw a homeless man almost killed by a train that was stalled in an intersection of SE Portland. I thought about writing this incident up in detail but decided otherwise. I also decided not to write up the incident where I observed a homeless woman using a pool cue (the bridge piece) as a walking staff.

Lots of fascinating movements connected to the distribution of The Old Crow Book Club. If you haven’t purchased it, please consider doing so through this site. I could use the support for this unique project. All proceeds from sales are plowed right back into the task of distribution through a network of homeless men and women.

The Portland ordinance banning camping on public property between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM takes effect in a couple of weeks. I don’t see how it can ever be enforced. I’ve said this time and time again, go to Sweet Home for a partial solution that doesn’t require a Cascade Range-sized amount of bureaucracy. I’m heading there in July for an update on that city’s novel and simple approach to alleviating the crisis in their downtown area.

The Republicans in the Oregon Senate finally returned to the session, at least enough to reach a quorum to allow governing to continue. Nothing infuriates me more than a political party refusing to participate in governing when they have been elected by the people to govern. Threatening to shut down government by those governing is not governing. I absolutely hate that the Senate Majority leader canceled the $350-a-day fine for the losers.

Cormac McCarthy died. I was and was not a fan of his novels. I was one of the first teachers to teach The Road to high school seniors. They were mesmerized by it and everyone finished the book. We had such interesting classroom discussions about that novel.

Onward into summer! I want to visit an Oregon place I’ve never seen. Where that might be?