Elmer the Tavern Dog!

At long, long last, I’m drinking a beer with my dog, Elmer the husky, at my side in an Oregon tavern. The Yukon Tavern no less!

He’s tied to a picnic table in the outdoor seating area and somewhat snoozing on this Saturday afternoon. I’m writing this in longhand on legal paper! I’m writing with my dog in a tavern while drinking an ale brewed in Clackamas, Oregon. I obviously waited far too long for this moment.

Management just came out and served Elmer bacon! They also brought a bowl of water with ice cubes!

This is a landmark moment in my writing and dog owning life. Will my tavern writing change with a dog at my side. Who knows? I sense more enthusiasm in me already. Look at all these exclamation points!!

I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. We all need more exclamation points in our lives!!!