About a Friend and Collaborator

One of the greatest pleasures of my life is my long personal and creative association with Cindy Popp.

I’ve known Cindy for 32 years. We met at a video store in the Sellwood part of Portland. We used to play tennis a lot. She’s the best mimic I’ve ever heard, but she’ll only do an impersonation one time.

We lived together once in the late 80s, broke up, reunited, got married in the late 90s, got divorced, and have since become close friends. Over the years, she has taught me many important lessons about life: kindness, pets, vegetarianism, music, loyalty, silence, forgiveness and many more. She has stood by me the past two years with rock solid support and helped me stave off rock bottom. I would have never found the Oregon Coast without her.

Our creative collaborations date back well over 20 years. I consider her one of the finest PNW artists of her generation.

She designed the logo for Nestucca Spit Press and the cover art for five of my books: Grasping Wastrels, Vortex, Gimme Refuge, The Great Birthright, and the forthcoming volume about Bonnie and Clyde. She’s also provided the accompanying illustrations for my books, essays, posters, blogs, you name it. I’ve got three tattoos of her art on my body. Her art is all over my house. It reads my mind.

I have never paid her enough for her contributions. One day, I hope I can.