The Keyhole Limpet Magical Necklace

Nestucca Spit Press is excited to join with Astoria-based Sea Creations to produce and distribute The Keyhole Limpet Magical Necklace.

A keyhole limpet is a marine sea snail that has a conical shell. It lives on intertidal rocks and eats algae as it scrapes along the surface. The average keyhole limpet gets hit by 8000 waves a day and can exert up to 80 pounds of pressure on a rock. When keyhole limpets die, many of their shells end up on secret Oregon beaches, where obsessed humans (and some dogs) hunt for them and amass astonishing collections that defy reasoning.

Many collectors swear the shells of keyhole limpets frequently bestow magical powers if worn around the neck. These powers include clairvoyance, clarity, presence, higher math, philanthropy, healing, sagacity, spiritual transformation, incantations, romantic advice, charming eccentricity and creative inspiration. The wearer merely needs to hold the shell aloft, look through the keyhole, open the mind…and keep looking until…something…unlocks…

The Keyhole Limpet Magical Necklace is 100% guaranteed grown and harvested organically on the Oregon Coast. Suitable for humans ages 1-101, dogs, too. The necklaces cost $5.99 each or two for ten bucks. A bulk discount rate is also available for retailers, shamans or other individuals. Just imagine how popular and clairvoyant you’d be if everyone in your workplace or social circle was wearing keyhole limpets around their necks. To order, contact NSP through the web site. We also are willing to donate necklaces for fundraisers.

[themify_col grid=”2-1 first”]Single Keyhole Limpet Shell Necklace
$5.99 (+ $2 shipping)

[/themify_col][themify_col grid=”2-1″]Keyhole Limpet Shell Necklaces
2 for $10 (+ $2 shipping)
