Things I’ve Written Recently

A tanka about macrame

A tanka about dogs in a river

A proposal to the cannabis glossy press to include some fiction, memoir and poetry

An erotic novella, where rain is a character

A revised short story about tennis

9000 words on growing up in Oregon City

A manifesto for members of The Registry

Love letters never mailed

A short paean about tomatoes I grew

Press releases about Bonnie and Clyde and the Angels for Sara Sanctuary annual rummage sale

10,000 words on Bonnie and Clyde

19 cover letters (all unsuccessful)

A statement of Oregon inspiration

Editorial content for a progressive company

Moments of hope and despair in my 142nd journal

3000 words on Oregon Tavern Age life

Seven to ten essays about beaches

900 words on gravy

Several thousand words on driftwood forts

Couplets about gulls

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