Green…Then Not Green

Didn’t know how to caulk—now I do.

Didn’t know about George Simenon’s Maigret series—now I do.

Didn’t know how to use a channel wrench to stop a hose leaking from a spigot—now I do.

Didn’t know the healing properties of turmeric and purple cabbage—now I do.

Didn’t know how to make field espresso—now I do.

Didn’t know how incredible a novel Jim Thompson’s The Grifters is—now I do.

Didn’t know about the magic of Monmouth in my life—now I do.

Didn’t know how to trim a beard—now I do.

Didn’t know how to be a great friend—now I do.

Didn’t know how to properly clean a toilet—now I do.

Didn’t know how to heal and ailing shoulder—now I do.

Didn’t know how to fish for surf perch—I will soon.

All this new knowledge came courtesy of new teachers in my life. I hope to always remain a person who continues to find new teachers who teach me new knowledge. There is so much still left to learn.