Corona Virus Thoughts #3

A breeze blows through the area where I live. It mixes with wood smoke.

I just woke up from a nap in a chair.

An American flag ripples in the distance. It should be turned upside down.

I hear birds and power tools.

I wrapped up the tree planting gig: around 1200 total in some of the most physically demanding work of my life. I wish it could go on. The landowner tipped me a hundred smackers for my effort. I’d never received a tip for labor in my life and I taught my ass off for 25 years in schools. It felt wonderful. Shouldn’t good teachers be tipped?

Strange people pass by.

A large man is dying not far from me.

I sense many people are ready to create monumental change in their lives. The quarantine exposed something. But will they act?

Many Americans have learned the hard way that the lives they had at home were utterly meaninglessness, and in fact, awful. They could stand it because they could leave. They could survive it because they had distractions. The facade has now been pulverized.

One can only hope after this that unnecessary air travel will finally end (like flying to Africa and Antarctica to run marathons). And it appears the virus may have killed the cruise ship industry for all time. Thank the Oceans!

An elderly woman pulls up in a 90s Lincoln Continental to meet a neighbor. She is wearing a side arm and carrying a box of wine.

I see a lonely tether ball pole with molding rope and a molding ball. I want to pound the ball like the old school yard days.

Lots of conspiracy theories floating around. They attach to the weak of mind.

I saw a video of a Southern woman defying at stay at home order yelling at a health care worker wearing a mask who stood in front of her. She told the worker to go back to China, you commie.

How did Americans get this dumb?

Of course Ronald Reagan was elected twice in landslides, so really, is nothing new in modern America?

Never forget this: the doctor who invented the lobotomy was given the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Henry Kissinger was given the Nobel Prize for Peace. Hillary Clinton got three million more votes than Donald Trump.

An oil executive said on TV that “we have to get back to way things were.” No we don’t. That way was exploitation, destruction and drivel.

I keep building driftwood forts to preserve my sanity. It’s working.